Saturday, September 7, 2013

Goan or Peruvian seafood - You decide because I can't!

Fried seafood
Seafood is a staple of Goa. This spoilt me and made me critical of seafood from other parts of the world.

However, even I have to admit that the seafood in Mancura, a small coastal town of northern Peru, is comparable to that from my beloved Goa.

Obviously, ceviche was first on my list of dishes to try during my travel to Peru. Ceviche is raw fish cooked with citrus juices. It is served all along the coasts of Latin America. I obtained my ceviche from Restaurant Cevicheria Frutos Del Mar in the northwestern town of Piura. The fish was fresh and heavily flavored with citrus juices. To balance the acidity, it is usually served with a salad, fried yuca or potatoes, and plenty of corn.

For those who are used to eating their meats very well-done, a category that includes me, ceviche was a pleasant novelty, although I would have to admit that I have to eat enough of this before it becomes a consistent part of my diet.

On another occasion, I feasted on a platter of seafood after a fun-filled day on the beach. The platter comprised of calamari, fish and shrimp. It was served with French fries and garnished with a piece of avacado on the top. This was so good, that I couldn't get enough of it. Despite being fried, my appetite for it seemed boundless. And a glass of Peruvian beer perfectly helped in washing down all the spice.

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This blog was started by Uma Kelekar to express her love for food.

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I like to visit local ethnic restaurants in Northern Virginia and experience different cuisines, and then try the dishes out in my own kitchen. I started this blog to express my love for food.