Thursday, November 5, 2015

Indian-style stuffed chicken

1 full small chicken

For marination
1 teaspoon each of chilli, coriander, turmeric powders
1 tablespoon ginger-garlic paste

For the filling
1/2 diced onion
1/2 diced bell pepper
2 cups of finely chopped spinach
4-5 almonds and walnuts
Hard boiled eggs
1 tablespoon garam masala
Salt and pepper to taste

For the gravy
1/2 onion
1/2 tomato
1 potato
2 bay leaves
2 cloves
4 pods cardamon
2 cups chicken stock
1/2 teaspoon chilli, turmeric and coriander powders
Salt and pepper to taste

Step 1: Marinate the chicken generously with yoghurt, 1 tablespoon ginger-garlic paste, chilli, turmeric and coriander powders and keep aside for about 1 hour.

Step 2: For the gravy, saute onions, tomatoes, bay leaves and cardamon pods in ghee. Add the potatoes and let them cook slightly in chicken stock.

Step 3: Saute the onions in the remaining ginger garlic paste. Add the bell pepper, spinach, almonds, walnuts, and finely cut eggs into the mixture and let it sit.

Step 4: Stuff the chicken with the filling, and let it bake in the gravy for 1:30 hours at 400F.

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This blog was started by Uma Kelekar to express her love for food.

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I like to visit local ethnic restaurants in Northern Virginia and then try the dishes out in my kitchen. I started this blog to express my love for food.