Monday, May 29, 2023

Indian style dry potato sabji

Poori bhaji

5 medium potatoes 
1 teaspoon jeera seeds 
1/4 teaspoon asafoetida or hing
1 teaspoon turmeric powder 
8 green chilies
handful of coriander leaves
1 teaspoon lime 
handful curry leaves 
Salt to taste
1/2 teaspoon sugar (optional)

Dry potato sabji or bhaji
Step 1: Boil potatoes in an Insta-Pot (2 minutes on High) or a regular pressure cooker (4 whistles). After releasing the pressure, peel and cut into small pieces and apply turmeric powder, salt, lime and little sugar. Keep aside. 

Step 2: In a separate pan, heat oil and add jeera seeds and let them cook until they splutter. Add curry leaves, asafoetida powder, and finely chopped chilies into the oil. Add some water and let it cook on a low flame for 5-7 minutes. 

Step 3: Add the potato (from step 1) and let it cook on a low flame for 5-10 minutes. Add finely chopped coriander leaves and serve hot with chapatis or pooris. 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Sesame Prawn Toast

Sesame prawn toast 
White bread slices (as needed)
12-15 prawns/shrimps
2 tablespoons soya sauce
1 medium sized red onion
1 teaspoon tomato ketchup
5 green chilies
1 tablespoon chilli sauce or chilli powder
2 tablespoons corn flour
White sesame seeds (as needed)
2 eggs 
Salt to taste
2 teaspoon vinegar (optional)
Oil to fry

Step 1: Mince the shrimp and marinate with salt. 
Step 2: Dice and sauté the onion, finely chopped chilies, tomato ketchup, soya sauce, vinegar, sugar and salt for around 5 minutes on low flame until it is cooked. 
Step 3: In a separate bowl, stir corn flour in cold water and mix well. 
Step 4: Add the corn flour mixture to the onion paste (from Step 2) and let it cool. 
Step 5: After it has completed cooled, add the minced shrimp. 
Step 6: Apply the paste to slices of bread (I used white bread), sprinkle sesame seeds as needed. 
Step 7: Beat the eggs in a separate bowl. 
Step 8: Dip only the top of the bread slice (I usually cut the slices into triangular pieces) into the egg mix, and deep fry it.  
Step 9: Serve hot.  

This blog was started by Uma Kelekar to express her love for food.

My photo
I like to visit local ethnic restaurants in Northern Virginia and experience different cuisines, and then try the dishes out in my own kitchen. I started this blog to express my love for food.